Zero-to-Hero Huana Pilot

In 2016, Jo and Dan Rubinstein started a Zero-to-Hero Foundation in Thailand to help to finance the Huana Pilot Project. The goal with the Pilot is to try to find a "model", how to considerably improve the quality of education for poor countryside children in the new, Value-based world, which in Thailand is called 4.0.

What is Huana Pilot Project?

Huana Pilot starts with 6 month old babies and continues until the age of 15, at which point every child should have grown to become a HERO (H=Healthy, E=Experienced, R=Responsible and O=Open-minded. Every kid will go through our Active Learning Program, which above described as a Train.

According to Jo and Dan, “by improving the quality of education, we will also improve the quality of life in our Pilot Village Huana. After showing excellent results, we will try to sell the idea to the Thai Government, to invest more resources to schools in order to implement the model of Active Learning” .

A video presentation (see below) made by Dan and Jo, explains about what Zero-to-Hero is doing now and what the future looks like. Zero-to-Hero makes the recommendation to the local government about investing in spreading the unique Zero-to-Hero Development Program to schools in Phetchabun.

(The length of the video is 39 minutes)

See the original posts and learn more about Zero-to-Hero Foundation:


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